If you are unable or feel unsafe driving in inclement weather, please call (703) 548-2270 to cancel your appointment in order to waive the cancelation fee. Take care and be safe!
While AMI traditionally has kept one price for all modalities, some of our services have an increased cost for training and materials. These highly skilled therapists will work with you to develop a specialized treatment plan to help you find relief from a wide range of conditions.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapy
Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (LDT/MLD) uses specialized gentle skin stretching techniques to stimulate fluid (lymph) flow throughout the Lymphatic System.
The Lymphatic System is a key component of the immune system that keeps body fluid levels in balance, and defends the body against toxins, infections, and diseases. The network of lymphatic vessels, tissues, glands, and organs work together to filtrate then remove waste and unwanted materials from the body.
With the intention of acting as a manual pump, a trained lymphatic therapist performs rhythmic strokes in sequences to augment (effectively ramp up) activity and sometimes reroute stagnant fluid in the lymphatic system. This noninvasive light pressure has profound effects on the body helping to:
•reduce inflammation
•decrease pain
•assist detoxification
•shift to deep relaxation
Growing research supports that these combined therapeutic benefits combat symptoms of the plethora of complicated illnesses, chronic conditions, and even disturbances to well-being such as:
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome •Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis• Insomnia •Sinus Decongestion• Headaches, Depression• Scar Tissue• Chronic Pain• Detox• Weight Loss Regimens• Sprains/Strains• Anxiety, Cellulite/Body Contouring • Athletic Recovery • Preoperative • Palliative Care
Therapists who offer Manual Lymph Drainage Therapy:
Darla Goddard • Teneisha Coursey • Ayumi Bucher
*Darla will work with Lymphedema and Oncology clients on case by case basis.
*Ayumi does not see Oncology clients in need of rerouting/remapping or Lymphedema clients.
*Teneisha does not see Oncology clients in need of rerouting/remapping or Lymphedema clients.
Post Surgery Recovery
(Includes Post Liposuction/Cosmetic, Bariatric, Orthopedic Surgery,)
Optimize healing and recovery time with specialized Manual/Massage Therapy to reduce swelling, improve circulation, decrease pain, promote wound healing, prevent/treat fibrosis, reduce scar tissue formation, and assist with relaxation. Each session is customized to your current stage of healing; the initial phase is focused on Lymphatic Drainage, then your therapist will integrate various techniques when indicated according to their skill set.
(Includes Post Liposuction/Cosmetic, Bariatric, Orthopedic Surgery,)
Optimize healing and recovery time with specialized Manual/Massage Therapy to reduce swelling, improve circulation, decrease pain, promote wound healing, prevent/treat fibrosis, reduce scar tissue formation, and assist with relaxation. Each session is customized to your current stage of healing; the initial phase is focused on Lymphatic Drainage, then your therapist will integrate various techniques when indicated according to their skill set.
-We DO NOT perform Incision Drainage (push fluids out of the body).
-We only see clients who have all drains removed, with no signs of infection, blood clot, seroma, or problematic wound healing.
-All incisions that are not fully scabbed over must be covered with bandaging.
*Seek correct bandaging and incision care instructions from your surgeon/nurse before your first massage appointment.
-First Recovery Massage visit requires thorough review of client intake form up to 10mins of session time if you have not had a consultation call with therapist.
-None of our therapists do work for Brazilian Butt Lifts (BBL)
Therapists who offer Post Surgery Recovery:
- Orthopedic Surgeries
- Bariatric Surgeries
- Liposuction
-Tummy Tuck, AbEX and other Abdominal Surgeries
- Facelift, Neck Lift, Rhinoplasty and other Face/Head/Neck Surgeries
- Breast Augmentation
- Arm Lift/ Thigh Lift
- Orthopedic Surgeries
- Bariatric Surgeries
- Liposuction
-Tummy Tuck, AbEX and other Abdominal Surgeries
- Facelift, Neck Lift, Rhinoplasty and other Face/Head/Neck Surgeries
- Breast Augmentation
- Arm Lift/ Thigh Lift
- Liposuction
CranioSacral Therapy (CST)
CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is founded on the work of an innovative osteopathic physician of the last century, Dr. William Sutherland, and has been given its name and modern form by John Upledger, D.O., founder of the Upledger Institute in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.
Dr. Upledger performed research at Michigan State University in the 1970s and confirmed that the cranial bones, once thought immobile, do actually move, not with the breath or the heart-beat, but with their own, unique pulse, the craniosacral rhythm. This rhythm can be felt anywhere on the body. Ideally paired bones move in synchrony: the base of the cranium, or occiput, moves with the sacrum, which is the base of the spine, and if all is well, the spinal cord slides freely inside its bony casing.
Any trauma can disrupt the craniosacral rhythm: injury during delivery either to mother or infant, falls on the coccyx, blows to the head, are common examples. Trained therapists, using a very light touch, listen to the client’s body to determine the locations of connective tissue restrictions that can distort the craniosacral rhythm, and, using a variety of very gentle techniques, relax, free, or “unravel” these restrictions.
During a CST session, most clients experience a feeling of profound relaxation and peace. Some notice and become familiar with their own craniosacral rhythm, and feel they are being introduced to another dimension of their being. One does not need to have a specific problem to solve. Being “tuned-up” by a session can provide both the serenity and the extra energetic edge needed to face the challenges of everyday life. But this therapy also helps a host of pathological conditions. According to the Upledger Institute, the following are some of the conditions that respond favorably to the work they teach: migraine headaches, chronic neck and back pain, colic, autism, central nervous system disorders, traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries, scoliosis, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, TMJ syndrome, stress-related problems, and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Therapists who offer CranioSacral Therapy:
Biodynamic CranioSacral Therapy
Biodyanamic CranioSacral Therapy (BCST) is a branch of CranioSacral work that is gentle and subtle and offers the space for the body’s own self-healing capabilities to activate. BCST accesses slow rhythms in the nervous system, heart, and body and can help bring a sense of wholeness and relaxation. BCST is done clothed on a massage table and light touch is used on various areas of the body, including feet, hands, shoulders, and head. It is suitable for anyone wishing to reduce stress, alleviate pain, etc. and is especially wonderful in pregnancy to support the mother.
Therapist who offer BCST:
Modern Cupping
Modern Cupping Therapy is a technique where cups made of glass, silicone or plastic are placed on the skin to create suction to stimulate blood flow to the area to promote healing. This technique can assist in accessing the superficial layers of tissue as well. Cups may be left in place for several minutes or moved along the body to help relax the muscles, reduce pain and improve circulation.
Physio-pedia: Modern Cupping from a Clinical Approach
Therapists who offer Modern Cupping:
Myofascial Massage
Myofascial bodywork offers a myriad of benefits for physical well-being and pain relief. Fascia is the interconnected web of connective tissue that encases and connects all parts of the body. By targeting myofascia— the deep fascial layers that surround, support and give structure to all our muscles, myofascial massage unravels adhered tissues that lead to chronic pain. It helps re-hydrate dried out fascial fibers and removes inflammatory fluid build up. It also helps create hyaluronon, the fluid that allows slide and glide among tissues. Additional benefits include better posture and enhanced joint mobility, so daily movements are more free with less “wear and tear.” In Myofacial massage sessions, slow and direct pressure is applied to areas where myofascia may be “stuck” or adhered to other tissue. Although adhered areas may feel painful at times, all pressure is within the comfort range of each client.
Therapists who offer Myofascial Massage:
Myofascial Release®
Myofascial release is a form of connective tissue manipulation frequently associated with John Barnes, P.T. This technique aims to release tension in the fascia, the continuous network of tissue that surrounds and supports muscles, organs, and bones. The therapist uses a variety of methods to facilitate softening and movement in the fascia. No oil is used in myofascial work, because the therapist does not wish to glide over the tissues as in many forms of massage. Rather steady, sustained contact is applied with fingers, palms, forearms or elbows to mobilize and stretch the fascia, thereby releasing fascial adhesions or other disruptions. The touch used is very gentle, but release of the fascia has the potential to bring about profound improvement in posture, mobility, and comfort.
Therapists who offer Myofascial Release:
Structural Integration
Structural Integration is a manual therapy focusing on the connective tissue that runs throughout our bodies, surrounding muscles, organs, nerves, etc. This connected tissues, also called “fascia,” helps create our structure, but injury and the physical stresses of daily life can lead to fascial adhesions that restrict free movement and can bring pain.
Structural Integration (also called “Rolfing,” after its founder Ida Rolf) applies pressure to the stuck, shortened places, opening up restricted areas to allow greater balance, alignment, and ease in daily movement. Asymmetrical patterns are reduced, removing excess pressure on our joints.
Structural Integration can help people with chronic pain, older injuries that still bring discomfort, athletes wishing to enhance performance, or anyone interested in feeling more dynamically ‘at home’ in their bodies.
Therapists who offer Structural Integration: